Thursday, February 17, 2011

Message from Mr. McMain re: transcripts

Grade 12s should be selecting which schools (post secondary institutions) will receive their transcript. Directions for doing so are on the Sa-Hali website. The URL is

If you are unsuccessful, please see your counsellor. It is an important process; please make the time to complete it. If for no other reason, graduates should sign up as it saves them money; money that they won't have to pay in August or September when it will cost ~$10.00 per transcript.

Monday, February 7, 2011


Commencement Ceremony will be held on Wednesday, June 8, 2011
7:00 pm
Sports and Event Centre, McArthur Island

Commencement Fees are due by March 31, 2011.
Please also let the school know an approximate number of guests you plan on inviting.